Wildlife Research Biologist

Lauren, Wildlife Research Biologist, on Martha’s Vineyard.
Lauren diBiccari, B.A.
Wildlife Research Biologist
207-839-7600 ext. 320
Prior to joining BRI in the Spring of 2023, Lauren worked on avian research projects throughout the US and Central America. She specialized in migration monitoring through capture and banding of raptors, songbirds, and hummingbirds on key flyways and stop-over sites but has worked on projects spanning the annual cycle. She particularly enjoyed her experiences at banding stations in the tropics, contributing to knowledge about little-studied resident species and the overwintering ecology of neotropical migrants in Belize, Costa Rica, and Mexico.
Lauren supports a wide variety of BRI projects with her expertise in wildlife identification and bird capture, sampling, and tagging. Her current and upcoming projects include studying the migratory connectivity, contaminant exposure, and unique ecology of Maine’s threatened Upland Sandpiper population; conducting field surveys for shorebirds, landbirds, and pelagic species; investigating the impacts of mercury contamination on tropical bird communities in Indonesia; and identifying birds and other wildlife in photographic imagery from aerial surveys and camera traps.
Education & Certifications
- Dartmouth College – B.A., Ecology, 2010.
Research Interests
- Avian Life History & Ecology
- Molt Ecology
- Tropical Ecology
- Population Ecology
- Conservation
- Ecotoxicology
- Bird bander training