Wildlife Biologist
Carl Brown, a wildlife biologist at BRI.
Carl Brown, M.S.
Wildlife Biologist
Carl Brown joined BRI in 2021 as a wildlife biologist, and has worked seasonal positions with the outfit since 2014. Previous work in the Intermountain West has focused on alpine avian distribution in relation to habitat, ungulates, disease, and rare waterbirds.
Other work has included beaver translocations, trumpeter swan restoration efforts, large carnivores and ungulate collaring, and a broad array of avian work.
Education & Certifications
- University of Wyoming, Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit. Dept. of Zoology and Physiology- M.S. Zoology and Physiology
- The University of Montana- B.S. Wildlife Biology, B.A. Political Science
Research Interests
- Alpine avian monitoring and research
- Loon and waterbird conservation
- Ungulates and diseases
- Wetland restoration through beaver translocation
Journal Articles
Brown, C. W., Patla, S. & Johnson, R. E. Extension of the breeding range of the Black Rosy-Finch in Wyoming. West. Birds 49, 82–85 (2018).
Grants, Awards & Fellowships
- 2018 – Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund (~$4,000) – Black Rosy-Finch Long Term Monitoring Plan Development
- 2015 – Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund (~$4,500) – Black Rosy-Finch Banding / Range Expansion / Nest Search