Wildlife Biologist

Wildllife biologist Emily Fellows with loon

Emily Fellows, B.S.

Wildlife Biologist

Emily began working for BRI as a seasonal biologist in 2019 and was brought on full-time in 2021. During the summer field season, she leads a crew to monitor the breeding loon population in the Rangeley Lakes region and coordinates the loon translocation project down in Massachusetts. In addition to fieldwork, Emily helps edit reports, enter data, analyze productivity data and assists with many other projects as they come up. Emily also has experience working with waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors and marsh birds.

Education & Certifications


  • University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) – B.S. Environmental Biology

Research Interests

  • Loon and waterfowl conservation

  • Avian behavioral ecology

  • Environmental toxicology and contaminants

  • Wind energy