Waterbird Specialist
Shearon with a nestling Bald Eagle, in Maine.
Shearon Murphy, B.S.
Wildlife Biologist and Illustrator
After graduating college in 1997 with a B.S. in biology, Shearon worked as a seasonal intern for BRI for three summers. She began a 16-year career as an environmental specialist for a consulting firm after her time at BRI. She accumulated a wide range of experience related to the environmental aspects of the hydropower, wind power, and electric transmission industries. She also spent every summer monitoring and managing common loons on the hydro impoundments of the upper Kennebec River, in Maine.
In 2015, Shearon returned to BRI, where she has continued to apply and augment her broad experience in the environmental field, as well support and promote BRI’s research with her art.
Education & Certifications
B.S., Biology, Plymouth State College, 1997
- Boater safety certification
- CPR and first aid certified
Research Interests & Expertise
Research Interests
- Wildlife/avian ecology and conservation
- Common Loons: territory use/limitations, population dynamics
- Cumulative impact of natural and anthropogenic stressors on Common Loon nesting success
- Assessment of factors affecting Common Loon territory size/use over time
Expertise and Experience
- More than 20 years of experience monitoring and managing common loons on hydro reservoirs
- More than 20 years of experience in environmental studies (primarily fish and avian studies) related to licensing and compliance for hydroelectric power facilities
- More than 10 years of experience in environmental studies related to windpower (pre-and post-construction) including avian surveys (raptor and songbird migration, risk assessment, and mortality surveys) and Canada lynx tracking surveys
- Biotic sampling (blood, feathers) and banding of numerous avian species, particularly Common Loons, Bald Eagles, and Belted Kingfishers
- Various intensive avian monitoring applications, including Common Loon monitoring, raptor migration monitoring, wading bird surveys, and Black Tern surveys
- Aerial surveys for Common Loons, Bald Eagle nesting sites, and radio telemetry tracking of fish
- Various technical applications including radio telemetry tracking of fish and birds, small boat operation and safety, GPS operation, and water quality monitoring
- Remote field work including remote camping, hiking in mountainous terrain, and boating (motorized and non-motorized watercraft) in remote areas
- Wildlife, logo, concept and infographic illustration, including illustration for journal publications
- Project design and management, as well as training and supervision of field personnel
- Literature research and report writing