Portland, ME—Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) announces the publication of Loon Landscapes. Authors David Evers and Kate Taylor chronicle the stories of the world’s five loon species. Stunning and intimate images capture these loons breeding and wintering habitats across the varying landscapes of three continents. In his Foreword, award-winning author and field biologist Jeff Fair remarks, “Not only are loons linked to their habitats, but loon biologists are as well; good field biologists carry a passion for the landscapes they work upon.” Published by Willow Creek Press, the 144-page hardcover book is now available for purchase.

“This book represents an opportunity to share our loon research with both the scientific community and the general public in a timeless and meaningful way,” says David Evers, Ph.D., BRI’s executive director and chief scientist. “As a sequel to our Journey with the Loon book, we are pleased to showcase the importance of all loons. As an indicator of the health of our lakes as well as near shore marine ecosystems across the Northern Hemisphere, the loon is critical to our understanding of how to identify and solve global environmental problems that affect people as well as wildlife.”
This book showcases the work of photographers from around the world. Daniel and Virginia Poleschook, wildlife research biologists from Washington, have been studying loons for decades and have provided most of the Common Loon images in the book. Professional nature photographer Ken Archer contributed most of the Red-throated and Pacific Loon images as well as landscape images. Many of the other photographers featured have a long-time connection to Biodiversity Research Institute and a love for conservation. These photographers include: Diana Solovyeva and her Russian colleagues Denis Kochetkov and Evgenia Kornilova; Ian Johnson; Paul Bannick; Judy Berk; and Jeff Nadler.

Loon Landscapes is available at www.briloon.org/avinet-research-supplies
and proceeds will help support BRI’s loon research.

BRI’s staff of 15 loon biologists (including full-time and seasonal) conduct original research and monitoring projects across North America with an emphasis on using loons as indicators of aquatic health. Evers has been actively studying loons since 1987. Taylor has been involved in loon conservation since 1995. Before joining BRI, she spent 12 years overseeing the scientific program for the Loon Preservation Committee in New Hampshire. Evers and Taylor are the co-authors of four other books by Willow Creek Press, including Journey with the Owls (2015), Journey with the Loon (2014), Call of the North Woods (2008), and Call of the Loon (2006).

The mission of Biodiversity Research Institute is to assess emerging threats to wildlife and ecosystems through collaborative research, and to use scientific findings to advance environmental awareness and inform decision makers. BRI’s Center for Loon Conservation offers an essential resource for local and global communities concerned with loon preservation. Our research studies encompass a variety of ecological stressors: chemical toxins; habitat loss in breeding and wintering grounds and along migratory routes; and diseases. www.briloon.org