BRI Research Laboratories

BRI’s research laboratories focus on ecological modeling, toxicology contaminants testing, and wildlife health assessments. Learn more about our labs below!

Wildlife Forensics Lab

Wildlife Forensics Lab

BRI’s Wildlife Forensics Lab provides swift and reliable identification of dead and injured birds and bats.

Our team of field biologists have thousands of hours of cumulative experience identifying both birds and bats from decades of projects across the USA, with a special focus on Threatened and Endangered species, as well as those of Conservation Concern.

Photographs and associated details of dead or injured animals can be submitted to the Lab via simple forms (available upon request), which will then be promptly reviewed and returned with confirmed species identification where possible. Identifications are supported by details outlining separation from other similar species, and age and sex criteria where possible, as well as relevant state and federal listing information.

Please contact BRI’s Wildlife Forensics Director, Edward Jenkins at for further details.

Lab Capabilities


BRI maintains high standards for its laboratories including state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained staff.

  • Mercury and Metals

    • Total mercury determination (using a Nippon direct thermal decomposition mercury analyzer or X-ray Fluorescence instrument)
    • Lead ingestion and blood level determination (radiographic and blood analysis)
  • Tissue Analysis
    • Tissue moisture determination (using a freeze dryer)
    • Tissue homogenization (using a cryogrinder)
  • Wildlife Necropsies
  • USDA Certified – Biosafety Level 2 Capable
  • Wildlife Health Evaluation


In addition to its own laboratory capabilities, BRI has established relationships with distinguished labs around the country for specialty work:

  • Mercury and Metals

    • Dartmouth College
    • Harvard University
    • Texas A&M
    • University of Connecticut
    • USGS – Upper Midwest Water Science Center
  • Stable Isotopes
    • Boston University
    • Northern Arizona State
    • University of Florida
    • University of Washington
  • Genetics
    • University of New Hampshire
  • PAH5
    • University of Connecticut
  • PFAS and other organics
    • Texas A&M
    • USEPA – North Carolina
    • Wadsworth Center
  • Wildlife Health
    • University of Vermont