Land-based Renewable Energy Permitting & Compliance
As renewable energy sectors in the United States continue to grow, the demand for natural resources consulting services will remain high. The environmental due diligence and permitting process is a rigorous, multi-tiered effort and requires a wide range of expertise and collaboration.
BRI has long prioritized the need to advance emerging natural resource sciences. Our extensive experience permitting projects across New England and North America includes wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, infrastructure projects, and residential and commercial development.
Solar Energy Development
BRI has decades of experience performing wildlife survey and assessment work that is prerequisite to commercial solar energy permitting and development. Our staff are intimately familiar with the distribution, ecology, and behavior of a wide variety of species that are relevant to solar energy projects. BRI staff can provide project managers, environmental consultants, and engineers a detailed inventory of species inhabiting proposed project areas, particularly those with regulatory implications.
Learn more about BRI’s solar consulting work here.

Hydroelectric Power
BRI staff has extensive history working with hydro companies, private consultants, and state and federal resource agencies to develop and execute wildlife and fisheries studies related to FERC hydroelectric licensing and compliance. Our expertise ranges from study planning and management to field work, data analysis and reporting. We have participated in studies for the successful relicensing of numerous hydro projects in Maine, and have performed ongoing compliance work on several projects for more than two decades.
Learn more about BRI’s hydroelectric work here.

Onshore Wind Development
Onshore wind energy and solar development can also present risks to birds and bats. BRI biologists work to understand these wildlife populations and how best to minimize risks of renewable energy development.
Related projects include:

Photo Credits: Header photo © artJazxz, iStock; Solar panels at sunset © Jess Rodriguez, Shutterstock; Hydroelectic damn © DedMityay, Shutterstock; Terrestrial wind farm © Richard Whitcombe, Shutterstock