Through our Center for Mercury Studies, BRI (an Executing Agency with UNIDO) will work with the Cabo Verde government to conduct a Minamata Initial Assessment over the next two years. These activities will complement Cabo Verde’s efforts to significantly reduce the exposure of mercury to humans and the environment.
Formal Capacity: Executing Agency
Project Lead: Molly Taylor
Minamata Focal Point: Mr. Mario Reis
Collaborating Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
Funding/Implementing Agency: GEF/UNIDO
The State of Mercury in Cabo Verde
The Minamata Convention on Mercury opened for signature on October 10, 2013 and entered into force on August 16, 2017. To assist with preparations for the ratification and implementation of the Convention, the government of Cabo Verde conducted a Minamata Initial Assessment (MIA) to quantitatively and comparatively determine the extent of local mercury pollution. Some findings from the MIA and recommendations from the Cabo Verde mercury team can be found in this brochure.
Click to download the full brochure.
Country Profile

- Population: 521,000 (World Bank 2015)
- Surface Area: 4,033 sq km
- Capital City: Praia
- Official Language: Portuguese
- Fish Production: 9,950 tons (FAO 2006)
- UN Membership Date: September 16, 1975
Cabo Verde, or Cape Verde, is an island nation on a volcanic archipelago off the northwest coast of Africa. It is known for its Creole Portuguese-African culture and many beaches. Once a Portuguese colony, Cabo Verde gained independence in 1975.
Inception Meeting and Mercury Inventory Training Workshop
Photo 1: Shown are participants of the Inception Workshop for the Minamata Initial Assessment, which took place July 19, 2016, in Cabo Verde.
Photo 2: Shown from left to right, David Buck, Biodiversity Research Institute; Jerome Stucki, UNIDO; Gilberto Silva, Minister of Agriculture and Environment; Alexandre Rodrigues, Director, National Directorate of Environment, Mario Dantas Reis, Minamata Focal Point, National Directorate of Environment.
Photo 3: First meeting of the National Steering Group for the Minamata Initial Assessment in Cabo Verde on July 19, 2016.
Photo 4: Participants of the Mercury Inventory training, conducted by Milene Pacheco, UNIDO, in Cabo Verde July 20-21, 2016.