Minamata Initial Assessments in the Maldives

As International Technical Experts, BRI is assisting the government of Maldives in conducting a Minamata Initial Assessment. BRI is providing expertise to assist with the development of a national mercury inventory for the Maldives using UN Environment’s Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Mercury Releases. The results of this MIA will assist Maldives with meeting requirements outlined by the Minamata Convention to reduce mercury in the environment and exposure of mercury to humans.

Formal Capacity: International Technical Expert

Project Lead: David Evers

Funding/Implementing Agency: GEF/UN Environment

Executing Agency: Basel Convention Regional Center for the Caribbean

Country Profile

The Republic of Maldives is a South Asian island country located in the Indian Ocean southwest of Sri Lanka and India, formed by 26 natural atolls stretching from Ihavandhippolu Atoll in teh north to the Addu City in the south . The dominant economic activity in the Maldives is fishing, followed by the growing tourism industry.
  • Population: 417,492 (World Bank 2016) 
  • Surface Area: 300 sq km (UN Data 2014)
  • Capital City: Malé
  • Official Language: Dhivehi
  • Fish Production: 105,600 tons (FAO 1996)
  • UN Membership Date: September 21, 1965

Inception Meeting and Mercury Inventory Training Workshop

Participants of the Minamata Initial Assessment Mercury Inventory Training Workshop, held in Malé, Maldives, April 17, 2018.