Minamata Initial Assessments in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka signed the Minamata Convention on October 8, 2014. Through our Center for Mercury Studies, BRI (an Executing Agency with UNIDO) will work with the Sri Lankan Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment to conduct a Minamata Initial Assessment over the next two years. These activities will complement Sri Lanka’s efforts to significantly reduce the exposure of mercury to humans and the environment.

Formal Capacity: Executing Agency

Project Lead: David Evers

Minamata Focal Point: Mahinda Werahera

Collaborating Ministry: Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment

Funding/Implementing Agency: GEF/UNIDO

The State of Mercury in Sri Lanka

On October 14, 2014, the Government of Sri Lanka became a signatory of the Minamata Convention, which entered into force in August 2017. In order to meet its obligations under the treaty, the government of Sri Lanka will conduct a Minamata Initial Assessment (MIA) to quantitatively and comparatively determine the extent of local mercury pollution. Some information about mercury and recommendations from the Sri Lankan mercury team can be found within this brochure. Click to download the full brochure.

Country Profile

  • Population: 20.48 Million (2013 World Bank)
  • Surface Area: 65,610 (sq mi)
  • Capital City: Colombo
  • Official Languages: Sinhala, Tamil, and English
  • Fish Production: 286,370 tons
  • UN Membership Date: September 16, 1975
  • Minamata Signature Date: August 10, 2014


Sri Lanka, a small island nation south of India in the Indian Ocean, is a rugged land of rainforest, diverse wildlife, and endless beaches. Known for its ancient Buddhist ruins, national parks, and the sacred city of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka is a diverse and multicultural country. Sri Lankans encompass many religions and ethnic groups and speak many languages.

Sri Lanka shares maritime borders with India to its northwest and the Maldives to its southwest.

Inception Meeting and Mercury Inventory Training Workshop

Photo 1: Representatives of the Sri Lankan government and BRI met in June 2016 to begin work on Sri Lanka’s Minamata Initial Assessment activities.
Photo 2: Participants of the Minamata Initial Assessment Mercury Inventory Training Workshop, held October 21, 2016, in Sri Lanka.