A new paper on technical working groups has been published in Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science. To advance offshore wind (OSW) in a way that is both environmentally and socially responsible as well as cost-effective, New York State developed technical working groups (TWGs) in 2017 focused on critical topics relating to OSW energy development, including the Fisheries Technical Working Group and Environment Technical Working Group (F-TWG and E-TWG; collectively, “the TWGs”). The TWGs are composed of OSW developers, fishing industry (F-TWG) or environmental nongovernmental organizations (E-TWG), federal agency representatives, and state representatives from Maine to North Carolina. These groups advise the state of New York on OSW issues by emphasizing the use of science and technical expertise to inform decision making. The regional collaboration and communication fostered by the TWGs are essential for building trust among stakeholder groups and working collectively to minimize fisheries and environmental impacts as the OSW industry progresses.

Read the paper here.