In 2011, BRI established a bird banding station at River Point Conservation Area (RPCA) in West Falmouth, Maine. River Point’s unique habitats, biological diversity, cultural history, and conservation opportunities made the property well-suited for long-term wildlife monitoring efforts in southern Maine. RPCA is a hub of wildlife research, education, and conservation. Activities include:
- Migration and breeding bird monitoring using bird capture-release and banding
- On-site educational presentations about birds and bird research
- Hosting interns to learn valuable field biology skills
- Actions that promote bird conservation directly
Download our brochure here.
River Point Director: Patrick Keenan, M.S.
Get Involved!
River Point Bird Observatory has ongoing opportunities for interested individuals to gain practical experience working at a banding station and supporting wildlife monitoring. Volunteer internships and general volunteering opportunities are available and will be posted for consideration periodically throughout the year. We very much enjoy the opportunity to work with and educate future bird banders and naturalists alike.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Habitat Enhancement Volunteers: Provide assistance with keeping River Point’s habitat healthy and adequate for migrating and breeding populations
- Nestbox Monitoring Volunteer: Assist in collecting data for the ongoing nest box monitoring research at River Point Conservation Area and partnering locations
- Data Volunteer: Help with the collection, entry, and proofing of our data that will be used for future interpretation
- Expert Volunteer: Lend River Point your expertise on plant identification, moth/insect identification, natural history, or other related skills to help lead walks and talks at River Point. Skilled bird banders are also welcome to assist with banding activities.
If you’re interested in volunteering at River Point, please contact us for more information.
BRI is fortunate to have a great partner in the Town of Falmouth, which owns River Point Conservation Areas and supports our access and activities at the property.
We would like to acknowledge the following institutions for their support of River Point Bird Observatory: