Scientific Publication Library
BRI staff actively contribute to the global scientific community by publishing their findings in a wide range of peer-reviewed journals spanning multiple disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach allows us to share valuable insights across many fields of study. To date, BRI staff have collectively authored and published over 320 peer-reviewed publications.
Featured Publications:
A new study published in Chemosphere comparing the bioaccumulation of the PCB mixture Aroclor 1254 in zebrafish to cardiac and neurologic outcomes.
Technology Gaps for Monitoring Birds and Marine Mammals at Offshore Wind Facilities
This study identifies technology gaps and technological research and development (R&D) priorities for monitoring marine mammals and birds for fixed and floating offshore wind facilities. A synthesis of current monitoring technologies generated two databases (with over 100 technologies) that can be integrated in current technology repositories for renewable energy projects.
A new study published in the Journal of North American Bat Research describes the effects of White-nose syndrome on reproductive trends in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) in Virginia. The findings emphasize a need for continued monitoring as well as outreach to landowners to increase awareness around bats and maintain colony sites.
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