Why Study Shorebirds?

Shorebirds undertake some of the most spectacular long-distance migrations of any avian taxa. Many species utilize far-ranging habitats for breeding and wintering, and while on migration rely on specific stopover sites where they gather in large numbers to rest and refuel before continuing on.
Throughout the annual cycle, threats to shorebirds are diverse and pose serious conservation challenges. These include human disturbance, habitat loss and degradation, hunting pressures, increasing predation, the spread of infectious diseases, and climate change. As a result, many species are showing dramatic declines. It is imperative that we learn as much as possible to conserve shorebirds and their habitats. BRI conducts shorebird research through inventory and population studies, movement and tracking studies, contaminants monitoring, and avian health studies.
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Highlighted Species We Study
Shorebird Research at BRI
Photo Credits: Highlighted species © Shutterstock; Inventory and population studies © Shutterstock